It's perfect for travel blogs, journaling, link collections, and more. Plus it's free.
It's perfect for travel blogs, journaling, link collections, and more. Plus it's free.
Sign up for a weejur account here. (Be sure to sign up with the email account you want to use to post to weejur.)
Send an email to and watch it magically appear as a post on your weejur site.
If Mom wants to follow your travel updates, you can send her a link to your weejur site. Or, if you want to link a single post on Twitter or elsewhere, you can use the Share button.
Send an email to and watch it appear on the test post page. (IMPORTANT NOTE: weejur tries to strip out email signatures, but if your signature contains personal information, please remove it—otherwise it will be posted publicly online. We will not save, share, or show your email address publicly. Test posts are automatically deleted after about an hour.)
weejur is 100% free, with no ads for you or your readers.